Statistics agency says Covid-19 set back data collection

Photo: Namibia Statistics Agency

The Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) says the Covid-19 pandemic set back its production of timely data.

The agency said this on Thursday in response to an article in The Namibian in which it was reported that a budget shortfall of N$250 million has left the NSA struggling to release national statistics in a timely manner.

One of the affected data collection activities is the national population count.

“However, the fact that Namibia conducted its census in 2023, because of Covid-19, is also an advantage since we now have two years’ newer data as opposed to countries that did their census in 2020 for example,” the NSA said in a statement on Thursday.

The delay in conducting and releasing statistical surveys has so far affected the Namibia household income and expenditure survey (NHIES), which was last conducted in 2015/2016 but should be done every five years.

“The 2020/2021 NHIES could also not take place as this is a 12-month-long survey which was going to be conducted during the midst of Covid as a household survey; and in addition to the fact that there were no funds available due to the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic,” the NSA’s statement says.

The NSA said it is currently preparing for the 2025/2026 NHIES pilot survey, to be done from 30 September to 20 October this year.

“In conclusion, the government of the Republic of Namibia, via the National Planning Commission, has been supporting the NSA throughout the years and the following two projects will be funded via the NPC and will be conducted during the 2025/2026 financial years – the 2025/2026 NHIES as well as the census of agriculture,” the NSA stated.

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