Suspected SSC boss hijacker gets bail

Milka Mungunda

The suspect in the hijacking of Social Security Commission (SSC) chief executive Milka Mungunda (64) at Keetmanshoop on Friday has been granted bail.

The suspect, Prince Luther Snewe (23), was granted bail of N$2 500 on Tuesday, //Kharas regional crime investigations coordinator deputy commissioner Nicodemus Mbango told The Namibian.

“The case was postponed to 1 October,” Mbango said.

The incident occurred near the B1-B4 traffic circle on the Keetmanshoop-Lüderitz highway at around 23h00.

According to the police report, it is alleged that Mungunda was looking for a guest house in town when she encountered the suspect, who offered to direct her.

“The suspect, however, led her astray till the traffic circle. The complainant got suspicious and confronted him on where they were heading. The suspect became aggressive and drew a firearm (toy gun) and pointed it at the victim, threatening to shoot and kill her,” Mbango said.

The two reportedly started wrestling over the steering wheel. Mungunda then managed to get out of the car and run away, leaving the car key in the ignition, added Mbango.

She left with her cellphone, while Snewe made off with her car and luggage.

“He left her in a shocked state but did not harm her in any way physically,” said Mbango.

Snewe, however, encountered traffic officers who pulled him over because the car only had one number plate.

The police were unaware at the time that the vehicle had been stolen,” Mbango added.

“He was ordered to disengage the engine while being issued with a traffic ticket. Afterwards, the officer allowed the suspect to leave, but he could not succeed in restarting the car. The sensor of the vehicle activated and the officer detected some foul play.

“The complainant repossessed her car and her property intact,” said Mbango.

Mungunda was driving a bakkie valued at N$800 000.

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