Swanu split between Kaaronda and Katjivirue

Two factional leaders have emerged within the divided Swanu party, Namibia’s oldest political outfit.

A splinter group has broken away from Evalistus Kaaronda’s leadership to instal Charles Katjivirue as president.

The Katjivirue-led faction recently held an extraordinary congress, which is considered illegal by Kaaronda.

This comes amid former president and lawmaker Tangeni Iiyambo calling for unity.

Kaaronda slammed the gathering that elected Katjivirue on Sunday, saying it has caused division within the party.

But in a statement issued on Tuesday, the Katjivirue faction accused Kaaronda of spreading propaganda “to misdirect the nation”.

“Besides it being factually preposterous for obvious reasons, the congress of Shalom Centre was called by way of petition of more than a third of the Swanu branches, after it became apparent that the known divisions may well cost the party in the wake of the upcoming 2024 national elections – a demand that is contrite and provided for by the party’s constitution,” the statement reads.

Kaaronda, however, says no branch can call or convene an extraordinary congress or a meeting of any of the party’s organs.

“A congress does not convene itself. No branch can convene a congress,” he says.

The faction has insisted that its congress was successful, and elected a new leadership led by Katjivirue as president, deputised by Clement Kaukeutu and Sam Tjikuzu serving as secretary general.

Shakes Siririka was elected as national organiser, Uvatera Kahorere national chairperson, and Kauee Kaune as publicity and information secretary.

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