The Gentleman’s Corner…Grab the Bull By the Horns!

HEY gents, been a while.

I hope you all had a great festive season. And need I say how proud I am of the fewer recorded road accidents over the past festive season compared to previous years? Big ups to that! I like that sense of responsibility that is reflected on that result. Nice!

Happy New Year! Wishing you all a very successful 2017.

I am pretty excited about this year. There is just something inside of me that knows that 2017 will be an unforgettable year in a very good way for most of us.

I just want this year to be a year of courage, bravery and perseverance for us all. 2017 could be the best year of your life – it all depends on you!

For me, last year wasn’t that great. In fact, it was one of the worst years I have had in my lifetime – one I will never forget due to all the bad things that happened to me. But you know what? All those ordeals made of me a stronger and wiser person, and made me even more ready for the future.

Gents, things won’t happen by themselves. Yes, we all have dreams and aspirations and have moments of utter courage and determination to achieve those goals. But have you also realised how quickly and effortlessly that same determination disappears the moment we are rejected? If you ask me, that is a loser’s attitude, period! And that is the part I want us to all work on this year – to not be distracted by things that don’t matter. It happens too easily.

Why don’t we just make it happen this year? Let’s just go for it! Away with the fear. Away with the doubt! Away with the hesitation! Can we, for once, just go for it – reach out to that one dream that has been keeping you alive all this time! This country needs more brave and courageous young men who are not afraid to stand for what is right – even if it means standing alone.

We need more go-getters! We need more people who are not discouraged by rejection and adversity, but who see beyond what others think and say, and continue to be focused on where they are headed.

In 2017, take control of your future, of your destiny. As we enter this new year with so much opportunity, it is my wish that we all will learn to be focused on that which is beyond what the eyes can see. That we will become visionaries in both our personal and professional lives, as well as for the future of this beautiful nation at large.

At the end of the day, it is the impact we make that is more important on our journey. But the best place to start is ourselves. Make the change and difference in your own life. You will be surprised how that alone will impact the rest of your world.

So where do I begin?

I thought about this, and it’s simple. Get your personal life in order – that’s where you begin. Take a bold stand or two. Decide what you want to achieve this year – personally, professionally, and also what the impact is that you want to make in those areas of your life, as well as in society.

Then identify what the steps are that you need to take to reach those goals. What are the changes that have to take place in your life on order to set yourself on the journey toward achieving them? And make those changes!

Remember gents, not everyone will be happy or approve of the changes and decisions you make. But remember, this is not about them. It is about you. Step by step. And in my experience, the greatest and most impactful change that can ever happen is a behaviour change.

Sometimes all that is required is for us to change our attitudes – the way we think. This ultimately impacts the decisions we make, which have great impact on our journey ahead. Not only in our own personal or professional lives, but also in that of everyone that crosses our path.

And gents, be kind to others. Be helpful. Be caring and be encouraging, inspiring instead of breaking people down. Lift people up, instil joy into others’ lives. And see if that alone does not take you to the next level in your life.

Stay focused on being a better person, and do not be distracted by what doesn’t matter on your journey towards achieving greatness.

Cheers for now!

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