The Importance of Men’s Fitness

I used to neglect the gym. It felt like a waste of time, and I often thought it was just about hurting my body.

However, once I started, it quickly became an essential part of my life. Now, I can’t imagine my life without it. The ability to go to the gym is a blessing, and I’m grateful for it.

As a man, why not consider hitting the gym? Let’s leave the financial aspect out of it, as gym membership typically ranges from N$300 to N$700 monthly, which makes it affordable for most people, especially when you consider the money often spent on alcohol and other unnecessary expenses.

If you are already working out, kudos to you! If not, you really should consider it, and here’s why.

Many see the gym primarily as a place for losing weight, toning or building muscle, which are indeed some of its core functions. But let me tell you, gentlemen, it offers so much more.

The mental strength, ideas and calmness it brings are invaluable. At its core, it’s a place for relaxation. It’s where you learn to endure pain and heat and overcome various obstacles. Whether you’re benching 100kg or 10kg, strength is strength.

I’m fortunate that my gym has a sauna, where I can relax my mind and think about life plans and strategies, both for work and my personal life.

Many of the topics I write about have come from a session in the gym. It might seem strange, but it’s true. Additionally, meeting and conversing with different people can provide valuable wisdom, too.

Yes, distractions are everywhere, especially in the gym, where it’s easy to get sidetracked by others, like women in gym outfits doing squats.

While it’s natural to notice, you can train your brain to ignore these distractions and focus on what’s important to reach your goals. And if you can master how to ignore such distractions you can ignore many other life distractions.

For instance, if you’re doing leg day and get constantly distracted, you are not making the most of your workout and wasting your time and money. Stay focused on your training and prioritise your goals.

Others see the gym as a place for lifting weights. While I do lift, my goal isn’t to build excessive muscle. I aim for a lean build and keep my weight within a 5kg range.

Though I may not look like the stereotypical gym-goer, I assure you I am fit in both mind and body. Many people expect visible muscles as proof of fitness, but that’s a misconception. Fitness is about overall health and well-being, not just appearance.

Lastly, I am aware of the pressure and difficulties men encounter in their daily lives. The gym may be an excellent resource for addressing these difficulties, since the atmosphere there offers a comprehensive environment that helps you address broader challenges.

Yes, home workouts are valuable, but they frequently concentrate on developing muscles, such as the chest, biceps and other body muscles.

Yes, it does take time to see results, particularly if your goal is to gain muscle and for many of us, maintaining consistency is difficult, but it is essential to success.

Though it’s difficult for us to do, consistency is crucial for long-term success and is the only way to gain muscle.

If you are not already a member of a gym, take some time to research costs, locations, facilities and other factors, and sign up this year. Make it a personal goal.

Meneer_SK is an advocate for men’s grooming and all matters relating to men. Follow him on Instagram

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