Thirteen vie for two ECN posts

THE Electoral Commission of Namibia will interview 13 people who want to be commissioners today.

The National Assembly’s secretary, Lydia Kandetu, told yesterday that the public will be allowed to object to any candidates they deem unfit for the positions.

Kandetu added that they are only required to conduct the interviews and recommend five of the 13 candidates to President Hage Geingob, who will in turn pick two candidates for the vacant posts.

The new candidates include Calista Schwartz, Hendrik Tjibeba, Welma Enssle, Carola Engelbrecht, Vitura Kavari, Gerson Tjihenuna, Penias Topnaar, Lazarus Shatipamba, Chippa Tjirera, Michael Akuupa, Evaristus Evaristus and Moses Ikang.

Current commissioner Barney Karuuombe has also been shortlisted. Although Karuuombe will end his term in March, he reapplied for the position, while Albertina Nangolo will be leaving her post.

The ECN consists of a chairperson and four commissioners, who are appointed by the President from a shortlist compiled by a selection committee.

Commissioners serve for five years, but can lose their positions for incapacity, or may be removed by the President for misconduct, with the approval of a resolution of the National Assembly.

The current commissioners comprise chairperson Notemba Tjipueja, Karuuombe, Nangolo, Ulrich Freyer and Elsie Nghikembua.

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