Three men arrested over cannabis

Two Zimbabwean men, aged 24 and 26, were arrested at Walvis Bay on Friday while allegedly selling an undercover police officer cannabis.

Erongo police spokesperson chief inspector Ileni Shapumba says an intelligence-driven operation was conducted, which led to the recovery of illegal substances and cigarettes.

During the arrest, four parcels and two big bankies of majad cannabis weighing 655g and 4 108 packets of illicit cigarettes were confiscated, he says.

The discovery is worth N$88 710, he says.

Shapumba says the arrested individuals are not in possession of legal documents.

Meanwhile, a Namibian man (25) was arrested for alllegedly being in possession of cannabis at Kuisebmond on Saturday.

The arrest was made during a joint operation of police officers and police reservists.

The discovery allegedly includes one medium and 96 small bankies of skunk cannabis weighing 187g.

The substances are worth an estimated N$9 350.

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