Training of MPs spouses meant to curb GBV’

Kalimbo Iipumbu

The National Council’s plan to hold a workshop on protocol and etiquette for members of parliament’s (MPs) spouses has been condemned by the opposition and analysts who have demanded the workshop’s cancellation, labelling it an irresponsible move.

However, National Council secretary Tousy Namiseb said the workshop was being held to create a peaceful environment by avoiding gender-based violence (GBV) against their members.

It was reported last week that the National Council is set to spend at least N$189 000 on a five-day seminar on proper behaviour of MPs’ 42 spouses.

An internal memo, seen by The Namibian and dated 7 August, from acting National Council secretary Efraim Jane is titled ‘Members of Parliament Spouses’ Workshop on Protocol and Etiquette’.

This workshop is scheduled to take place from 20-25 August (inclusive of travelling days), the memo said.

According to a report, the council will spend at least N$4 500 to cater for the travel and subsistence (S&T) allowances of each spouse.


Speaking to The Namibian yesterday, Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) deputy leader Kalimbo Iipumbu said the training demonstrates the irresponsibility of the National Council.

“We have irresponsible leaders in this country. Look at the high unemployment in the country. People are hungry and those people sitting in those offices – when they are full, they think everyone is just full,” Iipumbu said.

Iipumbu said councillors should not send their spouses to this workshop because it is a childish and irresponsible idea.

“Instead, that money can be channeled to a programme that can feed people in the street that are hungry. To me, it is an irrelevant training and I am calling on all councillors to not send their spouses to this useless training,” he said.

“It is absolutely insane. We cannot entertain such attitudes in a country where we need to come up with things that will benefit the masses. Spouses training for what on taxpayers money? They are not members of the council,” Iipumbu said.

According to him, the council should not waste money on entertaining spouses.


Political analyst Ndumba Kamwanyah said the idea to train MPs’ spouses was not well thought out.

“There are many ways to make sure that sensitive documents are not exposed to people who are not supposed to see them. I see a little bit of controlling behaviour, which is not in accordance with good governance,” Kamwanyah said.

He added that there is a need to give reasons for the context of the training and why it has become so urgent to be conducted.
“This is out of line completely. The responsibility to make sure that council documents are not seen by their spouses, children, friends and family, lies with parliamentarians themselves,” he said.


Namiseb said the National Council is formed by councillors from different constituencies countrywide and only three councillors are based in the Khomas region.

“As part of their duty, they do oversight functions, so they must leave their constituencies to travel around the country to look at the cries of the communities, depending on the committees, and report to the responsible ministries,” Namiseb said.

He added that all these activities led to councillors leaving their constituencies for a lengthy period.

“For us is to understand and ensure that their well-being as members is taken into account. These people are public representatives. but they are fathers, mothers, and spouses too,” he added.

“Some of them are women members. And if they are away for lengthy periods, coming back at late hours, we have been alerted that there is a breeding ground for GBV against female members,” Namiseb said.

“We are looking at the well-being of these members, their children and families,” he said.

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