State-owned railway company TransNamib has appointed Desmond van Jaarsveld as its new chief executive officer (CEO), replacing former CEO Johny Smith, who resigned from the company a year ago.
TransNamib board chairman Theo Mberirua in a statement on Monday said Van Jaarsveld proved he is fit for the role for the current time and current challenges TransNamib faces.
“TransNamib and rail infrastructure play a critical role in positioning Namibia as a logistics leader in the region, and we are confident that Van Jaarsveld will lead TransNamib towards sustainable growth,” Mberirua said.
Van Jaarsveld is a former managing director of Namibia Dairies, Namibia Breweries, Safland Property Group and the logistics company, DP World in Namibia.
“He comes with an impressive history of success leading major national and international companies in demanding times. I am confident that his leadership of TransNamib will further strengthen our industry and benefit the company,” Mberirua said.
Mberirua also expressed gratitude to interim CEO Webster Gonzo, who has served in the role since the resignation of Smith last year.
Smith turned down a new contract and resigned in February last year after serving for five years as CEO.
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