Two uncles accused of repeatedly raping niece in Omusati region

Two uncles, aged 36 and 28, allegedly repeatedly raped their niece (12) at a village close to Okahao in the Omusati region.

Omusati regional commander commissioner Ismael Basson says the suspects and victim live in the same house.

Basson says the 36-year-old has been arrested on charges of rape and domestic violence, while the 28-year-old is still at large.

The alleged sexual abuse came to light when a social worker reported the matter to the police, Basson adds.

In a separate rape incident on Thursday, a boy (16) allegedly raped a girl (4) at a village near Okahao.

The police say the suspect is expected to make his first court appearance in the Okahao Magistrate’s Court on Monday.On 15 September, a man (48) allegedly raped a girl (17) at a village in the Onesi constituency, says Basson.

The suspect will make his first court appearance in the Outapi Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

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