The high commissioner of the United Kingdom (UK), Charles Moore, says the UK accepts the Namibian government’s proposal to impose a new visa regime on 31 countries.
The countries which would be slapped with a visa requirement do not reciprocate Namibia’s visa-on-arrival policy.
Moore says every nation, including Namibia and the UK, remains accountable for maintaining its borders.
“One of the principles of any sovereign government is to protect the country’s borders and to control who is coming in and out of the country. So I respect the right of Namibia to impose a visa regime,” Moore told national broadcaster NBC yesterday.
The Cabinet recently announced that the nationals of 31 countries, including the UK, would require a visa in order to enter Namibia, even for business or tourism purposes.
The government says this would guarantee equity and impartiality in diplomatic dealings.
The UK withdrew the agreement to exempt Namibians from needing a visa in 2023.
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