University to empower rail workers

IUM vice chancellor- professor Osmund Damian Mwandemele, TransNamib group chief legal officer Ester Ndapewa Embanga, TransNamib chief executive Desmond van Jaarsveld and human capital executive Webster Gonzo at the signing ceremony. Contributed

Namibia’s education and transport sectors are joining forces to drive innovation and development in the country.

TransNamib Holdings and the International University of Management (IUM) have signed an agreement to pave the way for growth in human resource development, knowledge sharing, and research to support of Namibia’s fifth National Development Plan (NDP5) and Vision 2030.

The agreement introduces cutting-edge programmes, workshops, and courses designed to enhance the skills and capacity of TransNamib’s workforce.

These initiatives aim to ensure that employees are well-equipped to meet the demands of the modern transportation sector.

TransNamib and IUM will also collaborate on creating advanced curricula and training materials, particularly in rail engineering and other essential fields.

The partnership provides opportunities for IUM students to participate in real-world research projects, internships, and in-service training within various departments at TransNamib.

This hands-on experience is crucial for students’ professional development and readiness for the job market.

There will also be programmes for excursions and field attachments, offering IUM students practical experience at TransNamib.

This would complement their theoretical knowledge with real-world application.

The agreement includes joint research initiatives to generate new knowledge and develop practical solutions in the local transportation sector.

TransNamib chief exexutive Desmond van Jaarsveld says the collaboration with IUM is a strategic step towards developing a skilled workforce that can drive innovation and efficiency in Namibia’s transportation sector.

“This marks a significant milestone in strengthening Namibia’s higher education sector and transportation industry. By leveraging each other’s strengths, TransNamib and IUM are committed to cultivating a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting the ambitious targets set forth in the National Development Plans and Vision 2030,” he says

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