‘We are in a war’ – Cameroon unrest confronted by army offensive

YAOUNDE – Daniel was in his home in the village of Bole in south-west Cameroon on 2 February when he heard gunfire and a commotion. Moments later, his house was ablaze, flames licking the walls.

Despite the fire, Daniel dared not leave. Outside, dozens of Cameroonian soldiers charged with putting down a separatist insurgency had descended from trucks, opened fire on fleeing residents and set buildings alight, he said. Daniel’s brother Ekoda, who was outside the house, said he saw seven dead bodies.

Army spokesman colonel Didier Badjeck said claims that houses were burned and people shot in Bole last week were “totally false”, and he denied that soldiers were mistreating residents in other villages detailed in this story.

“We are sure that the soldiers are respecting human rights. If we don’t do that, we are very foolish,” Badjeck told Reuters by telephone, adding that any misconduct by soldiers is dealt with strongly. “If you want success, you have to have the population on your side.”

A government spokesman did not respond to requests for comment.

The Bole raid, corroborated by other witnesses, echoes near identical operations by the army in villages across south-west Cameroon.

The accounts shed new light on the fast deteriorating security situation in Anglophone Cameroon, and on the tactics used by the military to quell a growing secessionist movement that has killed 22 soldiers and policemen in a campaign to split Cameroon’s English-speaking minority from Yaounde.

The fighting has become a threat to president Paul Biya’s long-standing rule, and to stability in the oil- and cocoa-producing Central African country where presidential elections are scheduled for October.

There are about five million anglophones in Cameroon, a nation of 24 million. Most of Cameroon’s oil is found off the coast of the anglophone region, according to the International Crisis Group.

Interviews with a dozen residents and separatist leaders in the English-speaking south-west and north-west regions reveal another worrying trend for Biya: the crackdown is increasing support for a growing number of armed groups bent on secession.

“They are fighting against us because they don’t want us to separate from them, but we have already made up our minds,” said Daniel, who spoke from his bed in a nearby hospital, medical gauze covering his left arm, his face charred. Daniel escaped the burning house when the soldiers left, but not before suffering severe burns.

Daniel, like most residents quoted in this story, asked that his full name not be used for fear of reprisals.

There have been secessionists ever since anglophone Cameroon gained independence from Britain in 1961 and voted to join in a federation with neighbouring francophone Cameroon, which had won independence from France a year earlier.

French-speaking politicians held sway in government, and the promise of equality for anglophones faded. They were forced to drive on the right hand side of the road, adopt the metric system, and take on the CFA franc currency.

In 1972, president Ahmadou Ahidjo declared an end to federalism, erasing regional autonomy completely. His successor, Paul Biya, centralised things further when he came to power in 1982. He removed the second star from the national flag which represented the anglophone regions. The separatist movement remained on the political fringe for decades until late 2016, when English-speaking lawyers and teachers protested peacefully against having to work in French. The government cracked down hard, and civilians were killed in clashes with police. The crowds grew in response, and so did the violence. In October 2017, more than 20 were killed during marches, according to Amnesty International. The military fired live rounds on of ammunition protesters from helicopter gunships.

By mid-2017, many who had previously wanted just a return to federalism were calling for secession. At marches, protesters waved the blue and white flag of Ambazonia – the separatists’ proposed new state. An armed group called the Ambazonian Defence Force (ADF) began attacking government soldiers in anglophone regions.

“In 2016, people were calling for non-violence, and it was the same for most of 2017. But in 2018, people no longer see that rhetoric as holding water. They have to defend themselves,” said Tapang Ivo Tanku, an anglophone activist based in the United States.

The formal secessionist leadership, known as the government of Ambazonia, has distanced itself from attacks on soldiers. Its leader, Ayuk Tabe, was arrested last month in Nigeria, and was deported to Yaounde. It was a symbolic blow to the movement, and Nigeria’s cooperation with Yaounde worries some separatists.

But even supporters say the Ambazonian government risks irrelevance as the separatist movement takes on a life of its own. The ADF has been joined by newer armed groups made up mostly of young men. The Vipers have claimed responsibility for burning government buildings. The Manyu Tigers say its ranks are growing, and it has carried out attacks on military checkpoints.

– Nampa-Reuters

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