What Makes a Man a Man?

Everyone has an opinion on what makes a man a man, but in my view, there are basic things one cannot overlook.

First, a man must have a solid character foundation of integrity and responsibility.

Second, he must fear God, grounding himself in faith and humility.

Third, he must have a ‘just do it’ mindset, the drive to take action, face challenges head-on and a commitment to achieving his goals with determination.

Character is what truly defines a man.

But building character is not something that comes easy; it requires consistent effort, introspection, willingness to grow and endure both cognitive and physical challenges, learning from every struggle, and growing stronger because of them.

While external factors such as appearance, physical attributes or style may catch people’s attention, they do not shape who you are at your core.

A man is defined by his character: his values, his actions and his unwavering commitment to becoming a better version of himself.

Often, the circumstances we grow up in play a significant role in shaping our character.

I remember as a child my father would send us to the village for holidays, and we needed to herd cattle like every other child.

I hated it at the time, resenting the hard, unfamiliar life.

But now, looking back, I am grateful for that experience. It introduced me to a world that built my resilience, giving me a different perspective on life, shaping the character I carry with me today.

Challenges, hardships and the experiences we endure in life shape us far more than our physical attributes ever could. Yes, upbringing plays a role as well.

Some may label men raised by single mothers as ‘mama’s boys’, suggesting such an upbringing may hinder their growth.

However, it’s not about where you come from, but how you face and overcome the circumstances that shape you.

Being a God-fearing man is what truly defines manhood. A man’s actions, when aligned with God’s will, reflect strength, integrity and purpose.

But actions that go against God’s teachings are not the mark of a true man – they are the actions of a coward.

Take, for example, Jacob from the Bible.

Jacob, in his early life, exemplified cowardice when he swindled his brother Esau out of his birthright and deceived his father, Isaac, for a blessing that was not rightfully his (Genesis 27).

By dressing up as Esau and manipulating his father, Jacob acted not out of righteousness, but out of falseness and fear.

Though Jacob’s story ultimately became one of redemption, his early actions demonstrate that when a man chooses dishonesty and selfishness, he steps away from God’s plan and betrays his own integrity.

True manhood is found in following God’s will with courage, faith and accountability, no matter the circumstances.

A ‘just do it’ mindset is a powerful expression of a man.

In every aspect of life – whether it’s business, sport or relationships – it takes courage to act rather than simply talk about what needs to be done.

This ability to take action without hesitation is what sets certain men apart from the rest. It’s the mindset of those who succeed, regardless of the field they are in. Men who are successful in different areas of life share this ‘just do it’ mentality.

They don’t let fear, doubt or overthinking hold them back; they take bold steps forward.

On the other hand, those who are paralysed by fear or uncertainty often find themselves stuck, unable to achieve their potential.

Success favours the doers, those who are willing to take risks, face challenges and push through hardship.

In conclusion, having the physical appearance, wealth, luxury cars, a Rolex and even a triple-storey house in Academia Ext 25 may give the impression of success, but without embodying the true qualities of a man – strength of character, integrity and the courage to act – you are only half of what a man should be.

To be a full man is to possess these core characteristics, for they define your essence far more than material possessions ever could.

True manhood is not about what you have, but who you are.

– Meneer_SK is an advocate for men’s grooming and all matters relating to men. Follow him on Instagram @Meneer_SK

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