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Who is crying, who is laughing?

Who is crying, who is laughing?

BY now, we all know who is crying and who is laughing all the way to the bank.

Is it gazungazoid Richard, matronly Ofunneka or sassy Tatiana? One of these three finalists walked away with the US$100 000 (N$650 000) last night. It was not possible for us to publish the winner’s name today because the announcement was made way past our deadline.However, we had two adept representatives at the finale in Jean Sutherland and Natasha Uys, who will bring back the juicy lowdown for our readers in tomorrow’s newspaper.Below are excerpts from the BB website on what the evicted housemates have been up to and who they think will win.Judge for yourselves who was right and who was wrong.Meryl BB: What is it like being back? Meryl: I missed it, it’s quite lovely.It’s been a walk down memory lane.BB: Were you surprised to see what goes on behind the scenes? Meryl: It was amazing to see how up close people could see.It was a bit shocking to see how close they sit.BB: What have you been up to since you left the House? Meryl: Travelling.I’ve gone to Zambia, Botswana and South Africa.I’ve been doing lots of appearances, seeing fans and having a ball.BB: Has being on Big Brother opened doors for you? Meryl: Absolutely.All the countries I’ve been to, all the people I’m seeing.It’s been so amazing, the exposure I’ve gotten.BB: Who do you think is going to win? Meryl: It’s quite up and down.When the game started, people were rooting for Ofunneka, but then people changed.I think Richard, it’s just a gut feeling.BB: Who do you want to win? Meryl: I want Tatiana to win.She’s a warm, giving person.If she gets the money she will share it with a lot of people and do a lot of good.It will be lovely to see her win.Jeff Antony BB: What is it like being back? Jeff: It feels really great.I got a chance to tour behind the scenes, I really got this deep feeling of missing out on the House.BB: Were you surprised to see what goes on behind the scenes? Jeff: I realised there was a lot going on behind the scenes.What goes on in the House is only one quarter of the show.What have you been up to since you have been out? Jeff: I had my press conference in Nairobi, Kenya, then travelled back home.I have totally lost my anonymity; now I totally get to feel the power of the media.[A mushroom farming company] sent me down to the coast of Kenya.I’m into mushrooms.Will your novel be influenced by Big Brother at all? Jeff: My third novel will.All 11 characters I met in the House will be put in different scenarios and dilemmas.Speaking of the characters in the House, who do you think is going to win? Jeff: The beauty and the curse of Big Brother is that it is very difficult to predict the winner.Any of them can take it, Richard, Tatiana or Ofunneka.Who do you want to win? Jeff: I wouldn’t mind any of them.Ofunneka was very nice to me in the House, so was Tatiana.Richard was very emotional when I was facing nomination.Justice BB: Is it weird to be back? Justice: No, it’s a bit of Deja vu.But it’s good, man.BB: How has life outside the House been? Justice: Wild, man.The club was packed for the party and people have just given so much love.BB: What have you been doing since you got out? Justice: Oh lot of stuff, radio interviews and promos, public appearances, talk shows.BB: Where to from here? What do you want to do? Justice: I’d like to get into talk radio, the whole debating thing? I go back to school next year to finish my media studies course.After that we’ll see.BB: How is life outside compared to life in the House? Justice: Oh, inside there is so much pressure.You’re worrying the whole time about what to say, what to do.People are trying to push you.Outside is much easier.BB: Who is going to win? Justice: I would like Tatiana to win but I think Ofunneka will do it.It’s going to be close though with Richard.Kwaku BB: Would you go back into the House for another twelve weeks? Kwaku: I don’t know maybe, yeah, yeah I would.It was fun, man.BB: How was returning home? Was it wild? Kwaku: Man there were so many people.It was so positive.We had to shut the gate at the party, so many people wanted to come in.Fathers have come up to me and offered their daughters.I don’t know about that but it’s real man.The love is amazing.I had my own car at the airport, which I could drive around for week with all BB logos and things, wild man.Even the guys who’ve criticised me have only done so because they thought I could go further, so that’s cool.BB: What was the first thing you did when you got home? Kwaku: My mom, bless her, cooked me a meal with so much pepper.I was sweating so much, wiping my brow.There is nothing like a home-cooked meal.I missed the hot food.BB: What have you been doing since you got out of the House? Kwaku: Well I’ve had so many offers to do things but I’m playing wait and see.I’ve recorded a single, it’s called “Chale’.It’s due for release in early December with hopefully an album to follow.It’ll explain some things about being in the House, clear the air.It’s got a lot of energy.BB: How was it seeing all the other Housemates? Kwaku: For me it was all love.I mean in the House it’s all like you can’t trust people but outside it’s different.I’m cautious but it’s all love.BB: Who’s going to win? Kwaku: I hope Ofunneka but a lot of the voters are women and I think Richard might take it, but it’ll be close.Lerato BB: Welcome back.How was the car ride here? Lerato: Hi, thank you.I listened to music in the car.Max and I recorded a song called ‘Salute’ in Zambia and we were listening to it.BB: I believe that it is about The Untouchables? Lerato: Yes.It is.I think it’s great and I just want everybody to listen to it.BB: How was Maureen in the car? Apparently she greeted you and you didn’t respond? Lerato: I didn’t hear her if she greeted me…I was just singing the song.Maureen might have been in her own world again.BB: Is there tension between you two? How are feeling about seeing the other Housemates? Lerato: You know what, I’m not going to beg someone to talk to me.If anyone has issues [that is for them to deal with].But, I’m looking forward to seeing all the Housemates again.BB: Will you apologise to any of them? Lerato: For what? I haven’t done anything wrong.BB: I believe that after your eviction, members of Meryl, Bertha, and Max stayed at your house? Lerato: Yes.We just chilled for a bit.BB: Tell me about this ring on your finger.Lerato: It’s not on my left hand.But yeah, we’re a couple.There’s no talk of marriage yet.BB: And what are the plans for you future? Lerato: Well, I haven’t gone back to work yet.I think I’d still like to stay in events management or to [get a gig] as a Radio DJ or presenter, but nothing [solid] has come my way.Bertha BB: Did you feel nostalgic coming back? Do you miss the game? Bertha: Yes, watching it from the outside has been very difficult for me.I see the Housemates doing tasks and I think, “Aw, I could do that.”It was a completely mad experience and only the people in the House can fully relate to what we’ve been through.So I miss them as well.It was a traumatic experience.BB: If you could do it again right now, walk back into the House to compete for another twelve weeks would you do it? Bertha: No, no, no way, that was a one-off experience.BB: What was the first thing you did when you got home? Bertha: I climbed in my car and drove.I played my own music, my own CDs.No restrictions, just driving.Then I had a cappuccino.BB: What have you been doing since leaving the House? Bertha: Well I’ve had lots of offers to do things but I want to refocus, decide what I want to do.No plans basically but lots of options.BB: Was it wild going home? Bertha: It wasn’t what I expected.You think in the House this thing is huge but you have no idea.There were hundreds of people to greet me, Miss Zimbabwe was there.People say hello to me in the street, which is weird, you know when someone you’ve never met feels like they know you.BB: Are you excited to see the others again? Bertha: Yes, terribly excited.I can’t wait.I think inside it’s all tense but outside it all melts away.BB: Who’s going to win? Bertha: Ofunneka, she’s t
he one who came into the House and stuck to her game plan from Day One.It was not possible for us to publish the winner’s name today because the announcement was made way past our deadline.However, we had two adept representatives at the finale in Jean Sutherland and Natasha Uys, who will bring back the juicy lowdown for our readers in tomorrow’s newspaper.Below are excerpts from the BB website on what the evicted housemates have been up to and who they think will win.Judge for yourselves who was right and who was wrong.Meryl BB: What is it like being back? Meryl: I missed it, it’s quite lovely.It’s been a walk down memory lane.BB: Were you surprised to see what goes on behind the scenes? Meryl: It was amazing to see how up close people could see.It was a bit shocking to see how close they sit.BB: What have you been up to since you left the House? Meryl: Travelling.I’ve gone to Zambia, Botswana and South Africa.I’ve been doing lots of appearances, seeing fans and having a ball.BB: Has being on Big Brother opened doors for you? Meryl: Absolutely.All the countries I’ve been to, all the people I’m seeing.It’s been so amazing, the exposure I’ve gotten.BB: Who do you think is going to win? Meryl: It’s quite up and down.When the game started, people were rooting for Ofunneka, but then people changed.I think Richard, it’s just a gut feeling.BB: Who do you want to win? Meryl: I want Tatiana to win.She’s a warm, giving person.If she gets the money she will share it with a lot of people and do a lot of good.It will be lovely to see her win.Jeff Antony BB: What is it like being back? Jeff: It feels really great.I got a chance to tour behind the scenes, I really got this deep feeling of missing out on the House.BB: Were you surprised to see what goes on behind the scenes? Jeff: I realised there was a lot going on behind the scenes.What goes on in the House is only one quarter of the show.What have you been up to since you have been out? Jeff: I had my press conference in Nairobi, Kenya, then travelled back home.I have totally lost my anonymity; now I totally get to feel the power of the media.[A mushroom farming company] sent me down to the coast of Kenya.I’m into mushrooms.Will your novel be influenced by Big Brother at all? Jeff: My third novel will.All 11 characters I met in the House will be put in different scenarios and dilemmas.Speaking of the characters in the House, who do you think is going to win? Jeff: The beauty and the curse of Big Brother is that it is very difficult to predict the winner.Any of them can take it, Richard, Tatiana or Ofunneka.Who do you want to win? Jeff: I wouldn’t mind any of them.Ofunneka was very nice to me in the House, so was Tatiana.Richard was very emotional when I was facing nomination.Justice BB: Is it weird to be back? Justice: No, it’s a bit of Deja vu.But it’s good, man.BB: How has life outside the House been? Justice: Wild, man.The club was packed for the party and people have just given so much love.BB: What have you been doing since you got out? Justice: Oh lot of stuff, radio interviews and promos, public appearances, talk shows.BB: Where to from here? What do you want to do? Justice: I’d like to get into talk radio, the whole debating thing? I go back to school next year to finish my media studies course.After that we’ll see.BB: How is life outside compared to life in the House? Justice: Oh, inside there is so much pressure.You’re worrying the whole time about what to say, what to do.People are trying to push you.Outside is much easier.BB: Who is going to win? Justice: I would like Tatiana to win but I think Ofunneka will do it.It’s going to be close though with Richard.Kwaku BB: Would you go back into the House for another twelve weeks? Kwaku: I don’t know maybe, yeah, yeah I would.It was fun, man.BB: How was returning home? Was it wild? Kwaku: Man there were so many people.It was so positive.We had to shut the gate at the party, so many people wanted to come in.Fathers have come up to me and offered their daughters.I don’t know about that but it’s real man.The love is amazing.I had my own car at the airport, which I could drive around for week with all BB logos and things, wild man.Even the guys who’ve criticised me have only done so because they thought I could go further, so that’s cool.BB: What was the first thing you did when you got home? Kwaku: My mom, bless her, cooked me a meal with so much pepper.I was sweating so much, wiping my brow.There is nothing like a home-cooked meal.I missed the hot food.BB: What have you been doing since you got out of the House? Kwaku: Well I’ve had so many offers to do things but I’m playing wait and see.I’ve recorded a single, it’s called “Chale’.It’s due for release in early December with hopefully an album to follow.It’ll explain some things about being in the House, clear the air.It’s got a lot of energy.BB: How was it seeing all the other Housemates? Kwaku: For me it was all love.I mean in the House it’s all like you can’t trust people but outside it’s different.I’m cautious but it’s all love.BB: Who’s going to win? Kwaku: I hope Ofunneka but a lot of the voters are women and I think Richard might take it, but it’ll be close.Lerato BB: Welcome back.How was the car ride here? Lerato: Hi, thank you.I listened to music in the car.Max and I recorded a song called ‘Salute’ in Zambia and we were listening to it.BB: I believe that it is about The Untouchables? Lerato: Yes.It is.I think it’s great and I just want everybody to listen to it.BB: How was Maureen in the car? Apparently she greeted you and you didn’t respond? Lerato: I didn’t hear her if she greeted me…I was just singing the song.Maureen might have been in her own world again.BB: Is there tension between you two? How are feeling about seeing the other Housemates? Lerato: You know what, I’m not going to beg someone to talk to me.If anyone has issues [that is for them to deal with].But, I’m looking forward to seeing all the Housemates again.BB: Will you apologise to any of them? Lerato: For what? I haven’t done anything wrong.BB: I believe that after your eviction, members of Meryl, Bertha, and Max stayed at your house? Lerato: Yes.We just chilled for a bit.BB: Tell me about this ring on your finger.Lerato: It’s not on my left hand.But yeah, we’re a couple.There’s no talk of marriage yet.BB: And what are the plans for you future? Lerato: Well, I haven’t gone back to work yet.I think I’d still like to stay in events management or to [get a gig] as a Radio DJ or presenter, but nothing [solid] has come my way.Bertha BB: Did you feel nostalgic coming back? Do you miss the game? Bertha: Yes, watching it from the outside has been very difficult for me.I see the Housemates doing tasks and I think, “Aw, I could do that.”It was a completely mad experience and only the people in the House can fully relate to what we’ve been through.So I miss them as well.It was a traumatic experience.BB: If you could do it again right now, walk back into the House to compete for another twelve weeks would you do it? Bertha: No, no, no way, that was a one-off experience.BB: What was the first thing you did when you got home? Bertha: I climbed in my car and drove.I played my own music, my own CDs.No restrictions, just driving.Then I had a cappuccino.BB: What have you been doing since leaving the House? Bertha: Well I’ve had lots of offers to do things but I want to refocus, decide what I want to do.No plans basically but lots of options.BB: Was it wild going home? Bertha: It wasn’t what I expected.You think in the House this thing is huge but you have no idea.There were hundreds of people to greet me, Miss Zimbabwe was there.People say hello to me in the street, which is weird, you know when someone you’ve never met feels like they know you.BB: Are you excited to see the others again? Bertha: Yes, terribly excited.I can’t wait.I think inside it’s all tense but outside it all melts away.BB: Who’s going to win? Bertha: Ofunneka, she’s the one who came into the House and stuck to her game plan from Day One.

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